The Great Changeup

cover of The Great Changeup My Friend with Autism with an illustrated baseball pitcher

The inaugural book of the Friends of Franklin County series, "The Great Changeup" is a story of a young baseball player struggling to win and finding the answer with the most unlikely friend. "The Great Change-Up" and all books from The Friends of Franklin County are resources for children to understand how to accept and befriend those with different abilities.

children's book page a baseball player talking to his friend with autism
children's book page of illustrated baseball players in a baseball field
a children's book page with an illustrated baseball batter hitting the ball

About the series…

This children’s book series  was inspired by a desire to spark family conversations early on, acknowledging the realities of various disabilities, and seeing the beauty and power in our differences and the friendships that can be made between us. This book is the first of a planned series in the process of being published - each one will feature a character with a different specific disability, starting first with autism.